Lower My Bills Ad Watch
This blog is a product of boredom and bemusement. The Flash ads LowerMyBills puts out have nothing to do with their product. They are not "interactive". A Flash ad is no fun if one cannot punch a kangaroo, crush a cockroach, or shoot Bin Laden. Lower My Bills Ad Watch lists all the ads that caught the blogger's eye in their less-annoying, non-animated form. This blog is meant to be satirical and will remain so.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Monkey Shines
Sometimes, an LMB ad comes along that gives you nightmares because it speaks the truth too well. This one is one of them.
Are monkeys good or evil? We may never know, but this LMB ad deigns to answer the question. The sedate banana-eating monkey transforms into a shrieking, red-bodied monster that tears its own hair with a simple mouseover.

Thursday, September 08, 2005
Best LMB Ad. Ever.

Admit it. This is what you were looking for when you searched for LowerMyBills ads and ended up here. This is their finest and there is no way this ad can be bested.
Only the most twisted mind in ad-biz could have thought up the idea of a cookie man killing himself slowly by repeatedly dipping in a test-tube of milk. This is right up there in the hall of fame of horrors, next to shipwrecked people gnawing their arms off and spiders crawling out of your mouth.