Hotdog to Superdog

This ad gives a rare glimpse into the creative process behind making an LMB ad. Without further ado, here are the steps involved in making a perfect one:
1) Pick an animal, vehicle or any other object, one that can be shown in profile.
2) Elongate the midsection of this animal, vehicle or object to an 'appropriate' length - 'appropriate' here being defined as being able to hold all the states in the US.
3) Spice it up by making the animal, vehicle or object do things are vaguely animalistic, vehicular or objectivistic. For example, dogs can be made to bark or loll their tongues; cars can be made to rotate their tires or spew smoke; objects can be made to quote Ayn Rand when asked to take out the trash.
4) Post it on a million sites.
5) ??????????
6) Profit!

***Update***: An alert reader has pointed out that this is not an LMB ad, but one from LowRateSource. The ad styles were so similar, I assumed this was one from LMB. Will LRS follow NexTag's footsteps? The other usual suspects, (a.k.a. the state buttons) are missing, so maybe not.
Fie on you, LRS, for shamelessly imitating LMB's MO, down to the 6-foot long dog.