Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Magical Mucus Lion

Continuing with the despicable agenda of defiling the noble and the innocent of the world, LMB picks the king of the forest as its next victim. The lion sits and moves his head lethargically, hypnotized by the mouse pointer.

On his rump is the 'Bad Credit OK' message, as if to indicate that's where bad creditors deserve to be. He also sneezes majestically, spewing forth not boogal matter, but pristine white letters that spell the word 'Refinance'. P.T. Barnum has nothing on LMB, who seem to have struck paydirt with this mythical beast.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006



Baby stay out

Probably a first in LMB history, a real-live human was involved in the making of this ad. To add insult to injury, the human was a baby, a defenseless gurgling infant who could not voice her outrage at being used in this fashion.

The innocent baby looks around and follows the red floating letters. The days of rattle-toys and Fisher-Price baubles are over. This is the new Internet age - all she gets to play with are dancing word-art fonts.