Scamp to Tramp in Four Easy Steps
It all started as a gag for Steve. 'If you like those ads from LMB so much, why don't you get a tattoo of one?', his friends would tease at the neighborhood biker bar. So Steve got a tattoo, one with a pig, a recurring star of LMB.
Realizing that he was only a woman trapped in a muscular guy's body, Steve began to roam the shady streets in purple mascara and candy-pink fingernails. The LMB tattoos began to appear at the same rate as his penchant for drag-queenery.

18 months and several injections later, Steve had completed his transformation; he was now Corinna. The lower back tattoo was the final affirmation of his sexy womanhood -- Steve/Corinna had finally come home, an LMB home.