Sunday, January 28, 2007

Scamp to Tramp in Four Easy Steps

It all started as a gag for Steve. 'If you like those ads from LMB so much, why don't you get a tattoo of one?', his friends would tease at the neighborhood biker bar. So Steve got a tattoo, one with a pig, a recurring star of LMB.

Realizing that he was only a woman trapped in a muscular guy's body, Steve began to roam the shady streets in purple mascara and candy-pink fingernails. The LMB tattoos began to appear at the same rate as his penchant for drag-queenery.

18 months and several injections later, Steve had completed his transformation; he was now Corinna. The lower back tattoo was the final affirmation of his sexy womanhood -- Steve/Corinna had finally come home, an LMB home.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Fame - The Article

By Brad Stone, (of the non-porn variety), a piece in the NYTimes about LMB.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Harping Feat

"Hello Gentlemen, how are you today? How was your new year? Chilly and blustery, I hope? There's nothing like holding a warm thermos of cocoa and freezing your toes off waiting for the ball to drop, is there? What's that you say? Wasn't freezing at all !?

How about Christmas, then? I love that time of the year, when friends and family meet over a warm fire in the hearth, and open up gifts while watching snow swirl outside your window, turning the world into a winter wonderland of white... what do you mean, it didn't snow this year !?

El Nino sure is being enfanto terriblo this year, ha ha. Well, then gentlemen, why don't you enjoy this picture of a lone penguin floating away to sea on a melting iceberg? Warms your cockles, eh? Doesn't warm it too much, I hope."